Northern Lights

One of the things that I’m jealous to see my southern neighbours enjoy is the rare spectacle of the Northern Lights. I wish I could keep that quiet majesty all to myself here in Winnipeg. The Northern Lights have inspired me greatly for the last year, I’m glad to see that it’s inspiring others with the solar activity as of late. I can still remember the first time I really appreciated the Aurora Borealis, I had to write it down. I don’t know what it is about the Northern Lights that consumes me but maybe it has something to do with the same kind of energy that was prevalent at my Halloween party tonight. Man I love to throw a party.

First of all, I’d like to thank my guests for contributing so much of their energy in the shooting of last nights feature film. Some kind of intense vibe permeated the crowd as stranger shyness was overcome and common ground was found. There were so many good people here tonight! How can one ever think that the world is a fucking madhouse when there’s people who can all just get along so famously?
I was very happy with the costumes tonight – I must confess that of all ‘holidays’ halloween is my favorite. What other night do you get to dress up as someone you want to be other than on halloween? It’s art; pure expression of self. It’s also lots of fun trying to guess what other people are dressed up as. I must say that I was not at all impressed with how my costume turned out this year. I was trying for a wizard; I ended up a monk. All I can say is that I made the costume by hand, but unfortunately I didn’t have the cahonnas to shave my head bald like a monk. I could have saved the outfit with some authentic “helicopter pad” shave job, but I think that at this point in my life it’s probably best that I hold onto those hairs – who knows if they’ll grow back? If my dad was bald, does that mean I’m going to be bald to? I can’t believe I’m starting to ponder this dreadful topic… I figure it’s a nice piece of karmatic retribution for my cavaleer attitude towards hair loss in my younger years… Boy I’m pretty sure I teased my father and brothers relentlessly – I think I’m in for some possible taunting in the future.
Anyways, the recipe for a good party is a tricky balance yet there are some critical ingredients that can ease the birth. For instance, the easiest way to guarantee an enjoyable social engagement is limit the number of chairs to half the amount of people. This arrangement forces people to ‘mix it up’ as whenever a chair opens there are plenty of takers. People meet and greet and find common ground, it’s just a matter of finding the right questions to ask. Everybody is interested in something; if you just find out what that something is you can find out a lot about someone else and in turn a lot about yourself.
Plus, you’ve got all that strange energy mixing it up in complex new patterns. New connections are made, old bonds are solidified. The right mix of alcohol and drugs can lead to the altered perception where everyone is equalized, egos are left at the door and everyone can learn from each others experience. Drugs. There’s a sticky situation. There’s such a vocal part of me that proclaims so loudly that they are an unchaining experience, an opening of the doors of perception, a breaking down of barrier betweeen universes. That’s what it all comes down to – the connections you make create the complexity of your soul. Experiencing anothers perception is an awe inspiring experience if only you have the courage to face it, for it will close some doors in a world where one would preferably see no change.
Ok, now for some links. I’ve been listening to Groove Salad from this stream and let me tell you, it’s just the right ambient sound for my moment right now. Everyone has a soundtrack to their life. Daily Connotations has an interesting link on philosophy, but at this moment my eyelids are dimming the room to a nice defused fifty percent regular light. I’m really just putting this link here so I’ll read it again tomorrow.
One more thing I think I’ll share: I’ve been getting a lot of search hits for Ghettopoly – there’s the start of an interesting discussion and I’m getting a nice amount of traffic from it. Thank you Google! I wonder how many people now have uttered that phrase…. 😉

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