Here’s my foray into the art of meta-blogging. I found motime linking to me in my referral logs today, and at first I wasn’t overly impressed. Yet another blogging company, I thought. Looking a little deeper though I found a nice little newbie service for blogging. I figure this is a good thing because we do need more people blogging. I know a lot of people think there’s too many blogging out there as it is but I figure that when this phenomenon takes off – and I believe it will – there will be fundamental shifts in the global consciousness. As you may or may not know I am a firm believer in a global consciousness. I believe that if complexity leads to consciousness, then increasing that complexity leads to increased consciousness.
But then what is consciousness?
I’ve started to read an interesting “Research Paper Abstract” by a Mr. Chris King entitled Fractal Neurodyamics and Quantum Chaos : Resolving the Mind-Brain Paradox Through Novel Biophysics. This paper (courtesy of Wally) was written in 1996 and although it is extremely technical and I barely understand it, there are parts coming through that resonate with some of the things I’ve been saying. In particular this stood out (emphasis added):
Complexity is the root of consciousness. All else is just levels.