Great, just great. This is exactly what I need, a virtual blog shares market: BlogShares. So now I’ve got another game to play and waste my time at work. Combine that with WSA and I’m getting absolutely no work done.
Laziest. Employee. Ever.
All posts by chefquix
Wire the World
I dislike my job. I’m not the only one I know, and there are many fringe benefits to my particular position, but at the same time the work that I do I find intensely boring and mundane. Combine that with a directionless and ineffectual work atmosphere and you’ve got worker angst, manifesting in me at all times. The only pleasure I get is working with the kitty – our arguments and debates are a source of constant enjoyment.
I realize now that there is no future in this job. Previously I have entertained thoughts of travelling next fall – mainly travelling Europe to begin with but gradually heading east, but maybe there’s a better way to see the world. I want to start a charity specifically dedicated to wiring the world, to set up computers and internet access in poor impoverished countries. Of course I want to do many things, but I think I could really get into this if it were my career.
Some stupid little tests
A little bit about who I am.. Whether it’s true or not, who knows:

The Big Five Personality Test |
Extroverted | |||||||||||||||||| | 78% |
Introverted | |||||| | 22% |
Friendly | |||||||||||||||||||| | 86% |
Aggressive | |||| | 14% |
Orderly | |||||||||||| | 48% |
Disorderly | |||||||||||||| | 52% |
Relaxed | |||||||||| | 40% |
Emotional | |||||||||||||| | 60% |
Intellectual | |||||||||||||||||||| | 88% |
Practical | |||| | 12% |
Extroverted (E) 76.47% Introverted (I) 23.53%
Intuitive (N) 77.14% Sensing (S) 22.86%
Thinking (T) 64.1% Feeling (F) 35.9%
Perceiving (P) 64.86% Judging (J) 35.14%
Your type is: ENTP

ENTP – “Inventor”. Enthusiastic interest in everything and always sensitive to possibilities. Non-conformist and innovative. 5% of the total population.
Truth Laid Bear
In order to participate in the ‘new blog showcase’ I must cast my vote for three new blogs that I enjoyed:
From The Truth Laid Bear‘s New Webblog Showcase:
Hypocrisy & Hypotheses: Same Thing Every Year…
WiredOpinion – Jonathan’s Journal: Foreign Born Presidents?
Vox Popoli: I am the Penguin
Kind of a neat voting method – my site is crawled and the links are counted as votes. An interesting take on democracy? Perhaps not, I suppose not everyone has a blog. Imagine how much information pollution there would be if that were so! How many odes to pets and complaints about tv show plots can people read before they throw their hands in the air and denounce humanity to it’s narcissistic demise?
I’ve often thought about my place in the universe, how I came to be, where I am going, what it means to exist at this point in time. It can be quite depressing or it can be extremely uplifting, depending on your perception. Religion dictates that we exist purely by the grace of some God, and that our time here is a testing ground to determine our existence in the afterlife. To me, that seems like such a waste. It’s as if the emphasis of our existence is placed on what will happen to us after we die as opposed to our living life in the world around us. It makes this current life seem pale and unimportant; our actions here and now merely a waypoint (and an unimportant one) in our transition to a place where we will supposedly know everything and experience everthing. What a crock of shit.
Well sweet jesus I’m tired. It’s 2:45 am and once again I’m coming off a debate high. When the hell am I gonna learn that as a 9-5er working stiff I have to go to bed at a reasonable time? Anyways, what follows is my latest reply in the *best* *debate* *ever*. Well at least for me, at any rate.
This JKS is quite a clever mind, although there have been others as well such as LabRat whom I have enjoyed verbally sparring with. I have the feeling that this discussion is really just getting started, so I encourage everyone to either comment here or over at e..e..e and put in their two cents. If it gets really crazy we can always move it over to the forum. Yeah right.
I’ve stirred up an anthill over at e..e..e. Scroll down to the bottom and look at the essays directed at me – how the fuck am i supposed to argue against so many?
Why does any definition of complexity involve either usage of the word complex, or reference mathematical terms that only a PhD would understand?
It seems to me that everybody has a general understanding of complexity without really being able to put it in words. Yet another word that has no accurate definition but is universally understood nonetheless.
I wonder if my own personal chautauqua is the search for an understanding of complexity, because lately it has been drawing me. I believe that understanding complexity is about as close to understanding the underlying nature of the universe as any person can really achieve in a single lifetime. Let’s just hope I don’t go insane on the road.
I once asked all of my friends to supply me with a good definition of complexity without using the word complex. My good friend Sl8r came up with this:
Complexity: an entirely qualitative/relative statement about the level of perception of the speaker’s mind.
I kinda like that.
Electric Surfboards and other neat things.
I saw this motorized surfboard on Slashdot today and I just had to talk about it. This sounds really cool, but I think that there stands room for improvement. I figure they should take this idea, change it from a gas to an electric engine, cover it with this solar material and then you’d have a real winner. You get the quiet, the feeling of doing something that doesn’t hurt the enviornment (relatively speaking), and also the exciting potential of riding around on a electric surfboard. Kind of like the electic guitar, but more exhilarating.
Short and Sweet
This one’s gonna be short and sweet. I suggest you head on over to Stungeye if you’re interested in a collective conciousness link round up. Once again my desire to jack into a computer to download knowledge is making me lust for the future. If only there was more time! If only there was less work! I’m a read-a-holic by the way, I can’t stop reading. I think I’m going to go on vacation to Ottawa in November just so that I can get away and read.
Anyways, a mate from Australia sent me some good advice – I suggest you all listen and take notes! Be wary of the tequila, they’re always bad news.